Featuring CTL Amedica’s exclusive Silicon Nitride spine technology – the ideal biomaterial for fusion.
- Aggressive serrations resist expulsion
- Knurls provide added stability for cortical rim of veterbral body
- Central cavities maximized for optimal graft packing volumes
- Threaded insertion feature for precise implant control
- Retractor System available for use with set
About LLIF
The Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF) procedure is a minimally disruptive surgical technique in which the surgeon approaches the spine from the side of the patient’s body, rather than the front or back as in traditional spine surgeries. This side (lateral transpsoas) approach can reduce the risk of injury to muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.
The XLIF and DLIF are types Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion, or LLIF, which is a category of fusion in which the disc in the front of the spine is removed and replaced with an implant containing a bone graft to set up the condition for the two vertebrae to fuse together through the disc space.
XLIF uses a minimally invasive, transpsoas approach to the spine. The surgeon uses his or her finger to perform blunt dissection through a posterior paraspinal incision to escort dilators and a guide wire into position directly over the psoas muscle. Using his or her finger the surgeon is able to create a retroperitoneal space and protect the viscera and prevent possible injury.
With the DLIF technique, some surgeons have chosen to perform this procedure through a single miniopen lateral approach without the use of the posterior incision to create the retroperitoneal space. With the single incision, the layers of the abdominal wall are directly visualized, and the retroperitoneal space is created under direct vision with passage of instruments through the psoas. In addition, the use of electrophysiological monitoring, including triggered and freerunning electromyography (EMG), reduces the likelihood of injury to the lumbosacral plexus when accessing the disc space through the psoas muscle. Dilators, which contain insulated tips allow for EMG monitoring as they are introduced via the transpsoas approach to the disc space. If a dilator passes in proximity to the lumbosacral plexus, the surgeon is warned both visibly on a graphic display and also via auditory feedback. The surgeon can then adjust his or her trajectory to reduce the likelihood of neural injury.
About CTL Amedica
CTL Amedica is a forward thinking medical device design, development, and manufacturing company aiming to become the leader in the medical device industry. A combination of in-house manufacturing facility and R&D Center of Excellence further advances us ahead of the competition. Our team works closely with end users to imagine and construct multifaceted implants and instruments that become masterful systems for spine surgery.https://www.ctlamedica.com