Hammill Medical is a manufacturer of orthopedic implants, spinal implants, surgical instruments, and implantable medical devices founded in 1955. The Company es family owned and operated is located just outside of Toledo, Ohio with a 90,000 sq ft state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.We manufacture a full complement of spinal components from screws to plates to peek. We have engineering and manufacturing experience is all segments of the spine market.http://www.hammillmfg.com
- Established In 1955 (55 Years)
- Family owned and operated
- 90,000 sq ft facility, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located just outside of Toledo, Ohio
- Operate within the good manufacturing practices guidelines mandated by the FDA
- ISO 13485 accredited, and registered with the FDA #1530390 as a contract manufacturer of medical devices
- 225 employees – 4-year formal apprenticeship program – state and national accreditation
- Speed to launch – bring new products to market on time and on budget
- in-house tooling and gage design and manufacture
- manufacturing team approach – with dedicated design and manufacturing engineering,
and quality control resources - in-house design and manufacturing engineering
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