They are a little-known presence in many operating rooms, offering technical expertise to surgeons installing new knees, implanting cardiac defibrillators or performing delicate spine surgery. Often called device reps — or by the more cumbersome and less transparent moniker “health-care industry representatives” — these salespeople are employed by the companies that make medical devices: Stryker, […]
Spine Sales Reps Blues.Stormy Weather
April 17, 2016–The last decade has seen an unprecedent growth in the Spine market. Mainly due to the aging population and the development of improved technologies with new and better implants and instruments. Most of us, we have seen how spinal companies were growing and increasing their sales and profits. At the same time , […]
Spine Rep of Tomorrow: Adaptation is Key
April 3, 2016– “…but the species that survives is the one that is able best to ADAPT and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself” said Darwin. Spine Market: Changing Environment In the recent years, the Spinal Industry has started a transformation .Governments and health insurers worldwide are implementing measures to control costs, public hospitals are operating […]
Spine Surgery: A Tale of Greed and Corruption
All too often, where there’s substantial money to be made, greed and corruption inevitably follow. Such appears to be the case in the world of spine surgery, with the Department of Justice recently releasing the latest details regarding “Operation Spinal Cap,” an ongoing federal investigation into an alleged series of kickback schemes that generated an estimated […]
Should Doctors Also Act as Device Sellers?
Physician-owned distributorships (PODs), commonly used by spinal surgeons and others to procure and distribute the medical devices for the procedures they perform, are coming under fire.”While these arrangements are not always problematic, we are seeing more and more of these physician-salespeople using the very devices they sell in the surgeries and procedures they perform,” Senate […]
Comments about the role of the Industry in the Surgeons Education. Which is the Future of Scientific Support with very low prices?
November 6, 2015–“A value chain is a set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or service for the market”. In the Spinal Industry, after the Company market an implant, the organization carries out a set of activitiest that create value for its customers […]
5 reasons why taking device sales reps out of the OR is a big mistake
Healthcare costs are spiraling out of control, and hospitals and health systems are attempting to reign in spending. Organizations are scaling back and cutting corners throughout the many stages of care. In an attempt to save money, some hospitals are experimenting with a rep-less medical device sales model. In the traditional model, a medical device […]
Are the Crosslink devices really unnecessary according a recent study or we are just talking about cost saving?
March 3, 2015–Are the patients and hospitals spending money in “Cross-link devices” that are not necessary? When we talk about effectiveness and money, we are talking about a cost-benefit analysis. That is what it has been done with the DTT or crosslinks devices.Last week, at the annual meeting of the American.Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Cameron […]
Could antibiotics substitute Spinal Fixations?
Last year, Investigators from the Research Department of the Spine Center of Southern Denmark, conclude that antibiotics may be considered as a treatment option for patients with chronic low back pain. The study also suggested that some 40% of chronic lower back pain (CLBP) could be caused by bacteria, and that a significant percentage of […]
Is the Spinal market really changing? Evidence shows that not very much
Is the spinal market changing? Most of us would think that it is not a very intelligent question since the answer is obvious. Of course is changing! Who does not know that! From our point of view it is not changing very much.One would say that prices are decreasing dramatically.Another would mention that new technologies […]