CoLigne AG (Switzerland) in 1994 proposed ostaPek “built like bone”
composite technology, a high density long carbon fiber reinforced polymer (LCFRP) in controlled orientation. Our proprietary technology builds ostaPek composite into patented matrixes that better replicate the specific mechanical properties of a specific bone. This is not possible with traditional metal or simple plastic. Strength with memory of corrective form is assured for weight bearing support that can also be flexibile and without radiographic artifact. Just like bone.coLigne product technology continues to emerge for spinal trauma, tumors, scoliosis and degenerative disc disease. In 2007, coLigne introduced the ostaPek composite rod pedicle fixation system, providing no compromise biologic and mechanical performance.coLigne headquarters are in Zurich, Switzerland, with a development office in Paris, France and a biomaterial lab in Boulder Colorado USA
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