It is noteworthy that the large companies that dominate the Spine world market as Medtronic, Johnson&Johnson, Nuvasive, Stryker, and Globus Medical, have not made any launches in 2022 (at least as far as we know). More than a third (35%) have been by Seaspine followed by other companies such as Accelus, Camber Spine, Choicespine, NG Medical, 4WEB, Xenco Medical, Spinal Simplicity, Spineart, and Degen Medical.
From the product point of view, 64% of the launches were Cages, 9% were Cervical devices, 9% were Thoracolumbar systems, 9% were MIS, 5 % were Facet Screw, and 5% were Intespinous devices.
The spine market is changing. Now, large companies focus on technology (robotics) and image. Large and medium-sized companies want to differentiate themselves in a market where it is increasingly difficult to do so with innovative implants. We have seen this in recent times:
- Medtronic (ROBOT+IMAGE): They have launched The Mazor X Stealth™ Edition robotic guidance system. They already have the O-ARM imaging platform.
- Globus Medical (ROBOT+IMAGE): They have been very successful with the EXCELSIUS GPS and they have recently launched the EXCELSIUS 3D intraoperative imaging platform.
- Stryker (ROBOT): They have invested in the MAKO robotic (not yet for spinal surgery)
- Johnson&Johnson: (IMAGE): TELIGEN™ System
- Nuvasive (IMAGE): Pulse integrates multiple enabling technologies to improve workflow, reduce variability and increase the reproducibility of surgical outcomes.
- Seaspine (IMAGE): 7D Surgical’s Image-Guided Surgery.
- ATEC (IMAGE): EOS imaging solutions include the EOSedge and the EOS system. Its orthopedic solutions include 3D modeling, 3D surgical planning tools, and operating room integration.
- Accelus (ROBOT): Accelus robotic navigation system
- ChoiceSpine (ROBOT): Just announced a long-term partnership with eCential Robotics to develop spinal surgery robotics.
- Surgalign (IMAGE): HOLO Portal™, AI-driven augmented reality guidance system for spine.
- Spineart (ROBOT): Just announced a long-term partnership with eCential Robotics to develop spinal surgery robotics.
What have we seen in 2022?
It seems that the development of new products has stalled in the large companies that lead the market. This is probably due to two issues:
- Most of them already have very complete portfolios
- They are focusing their investment strategies more on robotics and disruptive image technology than on new products.
The new launches have been made by challenging companies that seek to win market shares from the big ones and that are updating their portfolios according to market trends such as expandable, stand-alone, and 3D printed cages.

In 2022, there have been more than 22 product launches (those that have been officially published have been included).
- February: 4WEB Medical Launches Hyperlordotic Lateral Implant Portfolio
- February: DeGen Medical Launches Industry First in 3D Printing
- March: SeaSpine® Announces Full Commercial Launch of NorthStar™ Facet Fusion
- April: ChoiceSpine™ Announces Full Market Release of Next Generation Harrier™ Stand-Alone Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion System
- April: SeaSpine Announces Full Commercial Launch of the Reef® TA (TLIF Articulating) Interbody System
- April: SeaSpine® Announces Full Commercial Launch of Explorer® TO Expandable Interbody System
- May: Accelus Launches TiHawk7™ Titanium-Bonded Multidirectionally Expanding Interbody Cage
- May: OFFICIAL Launch for the New Posterior Occipito-Cervico-Thoracic Fixation (OCT) System PERLA®
- May: Spinal Simplicity Announces the launch of the Minuteman® G5 Implant
- June: Camber Spine’s SPIRA-P and SPIRA-T Devices Enter Full National Launch Mode
- June: Launch of ART Fixation System from NGMedical
- June: Xenco Medical Expands its Ambulatory Surgery Center Device Portfolio with FDA Clearance and Launch of its Multilevel CerviKit
- June: Official Launch of the New Vertebral Fracture Reduction (VFR) System, TEKTONA®2
- June: SeaSpine Announces Full Commercial Launch of the WaveForm™ TO (TLIF Oblique) 3D-Printed Interbody System
- June: SeaSpine® Announces Full Commercial Launch of WaveForm® C 3D-printed Interbody System
- July: Additive Implants Announces Initial Surgeries for SureMAX-SA™, StandAlone Cervical Spacer
- July: Nexus Spine Announces Launch of Stable-C™ Cervical Interbody System with Integrated Fixation
- July: Centinel Spine® Expands Its Comprehensive Cervical Solutions Portfolio With Full Commercial Launch of FORTOS-C™ Anterior Cervical Plating System
- August: SeaSpine® Announces Full Commercial Launch of Meridian™ Anterior Lumbar Interbody System Featuring Reef ™ A Interbody
- September: Surgalign Launches Portfolio of Fortilink® with TiPlus™ Technology Products, Expanding its Addressable Market for Interbody Fusion Procedures
- October: Official Launch of the New MIS Thoracolumbar Posterior Fixation System PERLA® TL MIS
- October: SeaSpine Announces Full Commercial Launch of the Mariner MIS Wayfinder System