Hi everyone! After several months, we have updated all the product sections that we had on our site. Now, we have more than 1000 products included in our archives!
It has not been an easy task since new products are constantly being launched and it is difficult to keep up to date. Therefore, we apologize if in any case, we have missed a product. In most of them, we have included their surgical techniques, brochures and video animations according to their availability.

We have also moved the product sections to the SIDEBAR since the previous site (TOP) did not allow us to include more sections. We believe that now it is more comfortable and above all clearer!
Who are these files for?
Our product sections are aimed at all of you who work in the Spine industry. I would highly recommend them to Product Managers as it allows them to compare products as well as sales networks to easily identify competing products. I hope you find this information very useful and we hope to continue incorporating new product sections!
Which are the product Sections:
- Expandable- Cages: Plif-TLIF Expandable
- Early onset scoliosis eos
- Lateral and Anterior Expandable Cages
- Modular Pedicle Spine Systems
- Midline Cortical Screws Systems
- Robotics
- 3D Printed PLIF/TLIF Cages
- Anterior Cervical Cages
- Translational Anterior Cervical Plates
- Minimally Invasive Screw Systems
- Posterior Cervical Systems
- Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Systems
- Dynamic Screw Systems
- Deformity Systems
- Anterior Lumbar Plates Systems
- Lateral Cages Systems
- Anterior Lumbar Cages Systems
- Interspinous Devices
- Laminoplasty Plates
- Single-Use Systems
- Fixation Bands
- Corpectomy Implants
- Artificial Lumbar Discs
- Artificial Cervical Discs
All video parts, images and documents related to the products are of the sole property of the different companies.All the information is for Educational purpose only! No copyright infringement intended.We encourage you to contact us if you have any comment, suggestion or if you want us to include/remove your videos, images or brochures. Please contact us: [email protected]