We have already included 242 video links in our VIDEOS section! We want to include more than 1000 videos in the next weeks. To make it easier for you to find the video of the product you search, we are classifying the videos by type of product. These links redirect to YouTube. To date, we have included the following product groups.
- Expandible PLIF, TLIF cages: 49 videos.
- 3D PLIF/TLIF/LLIF: 43 videos.
- Lumbar Artificial Discs: 7 videos.
- Fixation Bands: 5 videos.
- Pediatric Deformity Systems: 8 videos.
- Dynamic Screw Systems: 21 videos.
- Single Use Spine Systems: 11 videos
- Stand-Alone Cervical Cages: 60 videos
- Vertebral Fractures: 33 videos
- Midline Systems: 5 videos
Our channel is not monetized and is very respectful of intellectual property. If any company wants their videos removed, contact us in the following e-mail: [email protected]
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