In 2005, the first SIGNUS plate for anterior cervical stabilization was launched: TOSCA. It offers the user a high degree of flexibility for ventral stabilisation of C2 to C7. As of today there are two designs available – and at 1,6mm both are among the thinnest plates on the market. With the very thin plate design and the semi-rigid screw connection TOSCA
Standard and TOSCA Expansion allow for optimal load transmission onto the bone (Wolff’s law), thereby supporting segment fusion. Both systems come with a wide range of pre-lordosed plates for one to four segment constructs. The implants are manufactured from a biocompatible titanium alloy (Ti-6AI-4V) with proven strength.

Due to a large selection of self-tapping screws, TOSCA Standard can be used either mono or bicortically. Colour coding makes size identification easy.
TOSCA Expansion stands for optimized stability even with poor bone quality. The variable and fixed-angle expansion screws are anchored in the bone in the same way as a dowel.
Choose a system suitable for your surgical technique!
TOSCA ® Product-Specific Advantages
Thin, semi-rigid plate design
- Minimised stress-shielding effect
- Optimal load transmission and promotion of fusion (Wolff’s law)
- Support for physiological subsidence (“graft settling”)
Wide range of pre-lordosed mono- and poly-segmental plates
- Optimal adaptation to patient anatomy
- In most cases implantable without additional bending
Colour Coding
- Simple size identification
Applicable for TOSCA® Standard screws
- Self-tapping, variable angle standard screws up to 26mm
- Mono- and bicortical stabilisation
- No need for pre-tapping
- Application for diverse anatomical conditions
Applicable for TOSCA® Expansion screws
- Self-tapping, variable- and fixed-angle expansion screws
- Primary stability like bicortical screws
- No danger of possible dura injury
- Optimized stabilisation even with poor bone quality and in long construct
- No need for pre-tapping
- Application for diverse anatomical conditions
More information on our cervical plates:
Innovative high-end implants made in Germany: For more than 25 years, SIGNUS has been the experienced specialist for comprehensive solutions in the surgical spine care sector. Founded in 1994 in Germany’s Lower Franconian city of Alzenau by Susanne and Uwe Siedler, our family-owned company currently has staff of approx. 80 at sites in Germany and
Australia. SIGNUS offers the comprehensive product range of cervical spine to SIG sacroiliac joints, which are predominately manufactured at the nearby production site of ProCon Medizintechnik. In addition to Europe (CE) and the USA (FDA), we sell our certified implants throughout the world on every continent. Target-oriented further development of the products in connection with the continuous exchange with the users as well as international further education and hospitalisation programs make SIGNUS a reliable global partner.
The entire SIGNUS Portfolio with detailed information and descriptions are available for you online at