Teijin Nakashima Medical is expanding product exports and sales channels mainly to Asia through educational activities by exhibiting at trade shows and research and development (R&D) with local researchers and doctors based on biomechanics theory; thus, making our medical devices available to Asian patients, whose lifestyles and bone morphologies are relatively similar to those of Japanese patients.
Approximately 100 years ago, Nakashima Foundry was established as a propeller manufacturer in Shimoishii, Okayama City. The company achieved dramatic growth and eventually embarked on the development and manufacture of medical devices, which is a completely different field. This is how our journey began. We entered the medical devices industry in 1987. Starting with a capital tie-up with Teijin Limited in 2015, we became a comprehensive manufacturer of orthopedics products through business acquisitions, aiming at expanding product areas and lineups. In 2018, Teijin Nakashima Medical acquired and took over the spine business of Century Medical Inc, and in 2022 the spine and trauma (fracture) business of KiSCO Co., Ltd. In Spine, their main products are the Saccura Spinal System for PPS and the UNIOS PL Spacer. Please for more information visit: https://www.teijin-nakashima.co.jp/en