(PRWEB) May 07, 2012, The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is launching a vital initiative aimed at exposing what they consider to be an extraordinarily corrupt US medical device industry. The focus of this initiative is to encourage medical device representatives to step forward if they possess significant proof of wrongdoing involving Medicare, or Medicaid fraud, and or blackmailing hospitals into to use their medical devices. The group says, “While one of our affiliated initiatives is very focused on problematic metal on metal hip implants, this campaign is not just focused on hip implants. We are also very interested in talking with medical device representatives from all areas involving medical devices such as artificial knees, stents, medical devices used in spinal surgeries, etc. The medical device world in the US is a very corrupt, nontransparent, and grotesque, and we intend to expose this entire industry for what it is.” The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is urging medical device insiders to step forward for what could be significant rewards for Medicare, or Medicaid fraud, provided they possess significant proof.The Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, “Last week we received a call from a medical device representative, who finally had to step up to the plate about the fact his medical device company was selling a defective surgical implant device, that could end up crippling patients. He was afraid his company would harm him, or that his stepping forward might get him black balled from the medical device industry, but he set aside his concerns, and did the right thing. Medicare, and Medicaid fraud was involved, and because his company was selling a defective medical device we think he is going to get a huge reward.” The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is appealing to every medical device representative in the US, to step forward if they have significant proof their medical device company’s products they are defective, or if the medical device company is scheming with physicians to unnecessarily use medical devices, when less expensive treatment options are available. The group says, “If you are a medical device representative, and you have proof your company is selling, or has recently sold a defective medical device product, and your proof is substantial, we want to talk to you, and if you sell us on your knowledge, or proof, we will help you package your information, and we will find the absolute best national caliber whistleblower attorneys to advance the claim. No other group in the United States offers a service like this. Medical device representatives an call the Corporate Whistle Blower Center anytime at 866-714-6466.” http://CorporateWhistleBlowerCenter.Com
Simple rules for a whistleblower from the Corporate Whistle Blower Center:
Do not go to the government first, if you are a major whistleblower. The Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, “Major whistleblowers frequently go to the federal government thinking they will help. Its a huge mistake. Frequently government officials could care less, or they are incompetent.”
Do not go to the news media with your whistleblower information. Public revelation of a whistleblower’s information could destroy any prospect for a reward.
Do not try to force a government contractor, or corporation to come clean to the government about their wrongdoing. The Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, “Fraud is so rampant among federal contractors, that any suggestion of exposure might result in an instant job termination, or harassment of the whistleblower. We say, come to us first, tell us what type of information you have, and if we think its sufficient, we will help find the right law firms, to assist in advancing your information.”
Any type of insider, or employee, who possesses significant proof of their employer, or a government contractor fleecing the federal government is encouraged to contact to Corporate Whistle Blower Center anytime at 866-714-6466, or they can contact the group via their web site at http://CorporateWhistleBlowerCenter.Com
This industry needs an enema for sure. Most device companies are quite unscrupulous.