Our objective is to provide you withe the most updated information related to the Spine Industry. It is not always easy since it is a very dynamic market with many product launches and acquisitions. Now, we are in the process of updating all our data available and we will be doing it for the next weeks. We are very sorry about the inconveniences.
This week we have updated the section on Artificial Cervical Discs (ADR). We have incorporated some documents (pdf) and videos as well as eliminated products that are no longer on the market. We will review these old products and incorporate them later as a historical archive. As always, thank you for your visits and for following us and to the companies for their support by providing us with information that we can incorporate in these files.
We have recently seen in manu Congresses, leading companies highlight their cervical prostheses such as Medtronic, Orthofix, Zimmer Biomet, Simplify Medical and Spineart. It is true that the Cervical Disc market is estimated to grow in the next years. They facilitate early postoperative neck motion and reduce the chances of the cervical degenerative disc disease of adjacent segments of the cervical spine, post-surgery.
According to Global Market Insights, the Cervical Artificial disc market will register a double-digit CAGR of 19% over 2020-2025.

The leading players in the global ADR market today are Centinel Spine (Prodisc-C, Discovery) Globus Medical (Secure), Zimmer Biomet (Mobi-C), Orthofix (M6-C ) and Spineart (Baguera). Beyond these major players, the current market includes small- to mid-sized companies, many of which are focused on novel spine or spinal nonfusion devices.
- Please visit the ADR section to learn more about the 40 cervical discs that compete in this market:https://thespinemarketgroup.com/category/adr/
- Please visit our YouTube Playlist Cervical Disc Systems to see all the Video Animations

The list includes:
- PRODISC C Total Disc Replacement
- UFO cervical dynamic intervertebral spacer
- Activ C
- Aditus Cervical disc prosthesis
- Almas
- Aramis
- Baguera C
- Biolign Disc
- c|spinedisc
- d-flex Titanium
- d-motion
- d-active
- Crea Spine Cervical disc prosthesis
- Discocerv
- ESP Cervical Disc
- Freedom®
- Kineflex Cervical Disc
- LorX® Cervical Disc Prosthesis
- M6 cervical
- Mobi C
- Mobile Cervical Disc
- NEOphytos
- PCM Cervical Disc
- PAN Cervical Disc Prosthesis
- Prestige LP Cervical Disc
- Procoral Artificial Disk
- SECURE C Artificial Disc
- Simplify Cervical Disc
- Synergy Cervical Disc
- Triadyme C Cervical Disc
- Viking Spine Ceramic
- Viking Spine Titanium