Ammtec was set up in 1997 by the founding members of Surgical Dynamics Japan (founded in 1992). During the time of Surgical Dynamics Japan, we introduced lumber fusion cage as the first fixation cage for spinal surgery in Japan.Following the foundation of Ammtec, we were successful in introducing and marketing cervical fusion cage. Since then, we have attained solid reputations as the pioneer in cage fixation for spinal surgery in Japan.Currently, Ammtec provides spinal fusion cage “m-cage” series as the flagship product line. Also Ammtec provides RUHOF enzymatic detergents for surgical instruments and scopes as well as BLOSSOM aloe coated examination gloves.
Since the foundation in 1997, Ammtec gradually shifted its function from a trading company to a company that can develop own products. In 2011, we are scheduled to acquire ISO13485, which will allow us to present our unique products to the foreign spine market.
Ammtec is not a global giant player, but the current scale of the company simplifies the line of business and allows us to quickly understand and respond to what is needed by each physician. At Ammtec, each employee is a dedicated expert who actively learns from fundamentals to the latest trends in the spine market and we are looking forward to serve your needs. Please for more information visit:
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