Around 400 companies compete in the global spine market. Over the years, we have seen mergers, acquisitions, and companies no longer in the market. Some time ago, we already did two articles about companies that had disappeared and were quite popular (5 company logos that you will probably never see again and 5 more company logos that you will probably never see again).
Today we are going to focus on France, one of the pioneer countries in the spine market and which recently has lost several companies due to being acquired (Ex. Scient’X by Alphatec or LDR by Zimmer) or has disappeared. Without a doubt, France has been the cradle of spinal surgery and the source of many innovative systems.The information published today is what we have. It may be inaccurate. Please, we would appreciate it if you let us know so that we can correct it. Please contact us:[email protected]
The missing French companies are the following:

1.- Innov’spine

Innov’spine has been in the spinal implant market since 2005. It was founded in Nimes (France) to design and market spinal implants and instruments. It pioneered in offering all-in-one instrumentation sets for the cervical and lumbar spine as single-use sterile complete instrumentation sets offering cost-effective solutions for hospitals looking to reduce overall costs. Products developed by the company included:
- ACIFBOX cervical interbody implant
- ACIFBOXse secure cervical cage
- ACIFBOXPL cervical plate cage
- ANCEPLATE anterior cervical plate
- POCEPLATE posterior cervical plate
- VEOS Osteosynthesis
- PLIFBOX PLIF-OLIF lumbar cage
- TLIFBOX TLIF lumbar cage
- POLPLATE lumbar plate
- VALEOS bone substitute.
For some time, we have not heard anything from this company, and their website is no longer working:
SmArtSpine was founded in July 2007 by a spinal surgeon and three industrial entrepreneurs to develop innovative spinal products. To perfect its design, SmArtSpine operated its own instrument prototyping shop and used state of the Art CAD/CAM Software. We did not hear from this French spine company in a long time.

ITEM®, a French company, specializes in designing and manufacturing orthopedic implants for surgery,neurosurgery, and specifically for the spine, the foot, and the hand.
4.-S14 Implants
S14 Implants was a French company that manufactured an innovative spinal implant range. Its range of products covered cervical and lumbar spine surgery, including degenerative spinal pathologies and even deformities. S14 Implants created a new trend in the non-fusion market, the damping technology, supported by two opinion leaders: the French hospital leader, CHU of Bordeaux, and the University of Birmingham. In 2016 the company opened a fundraising campaign to expand its international presence with the B-Dyn, a new dynamic solution promising stability and motion control ( s14 implants begins fundraising campaign). This product is now included in the Cousin spine portfolio.

5.-Spine Nature
Spine Nature developed and offered different spinal implants and products. The spinal Systems and implants were innovative designs resulting from considerations, experience and know-how of the French ACRO group of surgeons specialized in Spinal Surgery.